Over the years, I have noticed the grave misconception of fashion. Many people think that fashion has to do with clothes. It doesn't--at least not most of it. Sculptors use clay, bronze and stone. Painters use paint. Weavers use thread. Each has its own material out of which to make his or her craft. To a fashion designer, their material is cloth, clothing and embellishments. Fashion itself is not clothes. In fact, it is quite the opposite. True fashion is a work of art and it is not meant to be worn on the street. It is meant to be used as a muse for other designers. It is meant to trickle down and finally reach those designers working for everyday stores like Target.
True fashion is usually outrageous, making a point about anything; you could have fashion that would describe the designer’s adamant view of deforestation or recycling. True fashion is definitely not meant to be worn. It is meant to be art. True fashion is meant to be a feast for the eyes.
It is very sad to be asked, “What clothes do you have?” in regards to fashion, when one knows what fashion is really all about. The question should not be, “What clothes do you have?” It should be, “What ideas do you have?” Yes, my view is controversial, but I stand my ground. Fashion is not about your clothes. True fashion is a state of mind.
Ciao for now,
Zaza P
Sunday, December 30, 2007
A Grave Misconception
Posted by -alexandra- at 4:17 PM 4 comments
Friday, December 28, 2007
Teen Vogue Needs to Shape Up!
While flipping through the December/January issue of Teen Vogue, I noticed that there is really a large lack of articles in this magazine. For example, Teen Vogue apparently thinks that listing the (extremely high) prices and the designer's name is article enough for their readers. I on the other hand think differently. Teen Vogue should include in their magazine's overview of the season's "hot looks" a list of who is using these ideas and styles in writing instead of just showing "Kate's Way" and "Our Way." Sure, you can show the new styles in pictures, in fact that really helps to define the style, but there needs to be more writing substance in the magazine! If Teen Vogue is worried about the cost of extra paper, they shouldn't be. The real money is in the advertising, so why not give little more to the readers? Why not invite a few more readers, even if it means spending a little extra? Why? Because this is the fashion industry we are dealing with folks. Yup! No matter how many extra readers Teen Vogue attracts with more writing and articles, they won't do it. Like I said, this is the fashion industry.
Ciao for now,
Zaza P
Posted by -alexandra- at 8:01 AM 1 comments
Sunday, November 25, 2007
Rebellsih is the new word--created by me--that means the opposite of embellish/embellishment. Rebellish calls for ultra-simple for ultra-cute. Rebelsih gives that cool stark, modern type of look to the greatest outfits. Using organic textiles and natural wheat colors, you can get the awesome rebellished look.
Zaza Pink
Posted by -alexandra- at 4:26 PM 0 comments
Saturday, October 6, 2007
Teen Vogue October
Brightly colored frocks and accessories were splashed over the pages of Teen Vogue this month, and Mischa Barton posed primly in Moscow's Red Square. Her uber chic ways added a spark to the pages this month.
Don't we all agree that Mischa is the fashion icon of our life??? Only she can make dorky outfits look totally all the rage.
Now, we go back to Marylin Monroe. She was the greatest fashion icon of our past(other than Audrey Hepburn). Both of these women's ways a reflected tenfold on Mischa. She has every right to be a fashion maven.
Posted by -alexandra- at 7:57 AM 2 comments
Sunday, August 5, 2007
Washington fashion
Though everything in Cali is uptight and stuff, the fashion in Washington state is very laid back. Regular apparel would be a T-shirt, shorts, and sandals. While traveling here, I relaxed becasue every hair did not have to be in place and just threw on a shirt, shorts, and sandals.
Later from Cali Fashionista
Posted by -alexandra- at 3:07 PM 0 comments
Friday, July 13, 2007
VOUGE July 2007
I liked the article "Nostalgia" a lot. It was well thought through and written. It portrayed the author's point clearly and efficiently. This month, the "People are Talking About" section was very disappointing. It focused too much on facial products and not the things that are very important to a women. (e.g. books, movies, etc.) The article featuring the Metropolitan Museum of Art's Costume Institute Gala was wonderful and the layout was done very nicely. It featured many dresses but lacked topics of interest other that dresses. Over all, this month's issue was very pleasing.
Posted by -alexandra- at 2:47 PM 0 comments
Bands are IN!
If you have read the August addition of Teen Vouge, you will have noticed the Pipettes and Rooney are two new "it" bands.
Check out some of their music viedos at
{above is a link to a pic of Rooney!!}
Posted by -alexandra- at 2:29 PM 0 comments