Saturday, November 21, 2009

Good News: I've Been INSPIRED!

I've been inspired, or at least motivated, by the prospect of putting off my outline for a ginormous history report--National History Day (NHD) but oh well. Credit for my inspiration goes to TAVI. Well I know she's a bit cliched to write about (sorry Tavi) because of all of the recent press on her blog, but I must confess I'm a huge fan. But, more than drag this post out by going on about the absolutely ahmazing spontaneous creativity of the quirky-cool It-girl's blog I'd like to focus on the recent Teen Vogue article that was supposedly all about teen blogger sensation Tavi. I would like to draw the attention to the more that possibility that the whole article was simply a ploy to get the word out about Rodarte's line for Target (I nearly when ballistic when I read this, being a fan of both brand and store), while incognito as a tidbit about Tavi. I'm not a hater in the least, far from it, but I did want to draw attention to the attempt of Teen Vogue to try to pass this one. And, cheers to Tavi! (and to putting off NHD)

Well, the sad, sad fate that I haven't posted in more than a month doesn't hasn't really hit home until now... So sorry about that. I haven't yet found something inspiring yet to write about, but perhaps this is inspiring you right now to go and paint your toenails neon green (that would be supercool). Oh and don't you like my use of supercool? I like it. Here's something inspiring: thirty days until my half birthday!